SAVE THE DATE!!! The 2025 WNC Yarn Crawl will be held Tuesday May 6-Sunday May 11!

What is a yarn crawl???

“To tour/visit/salivate over a [geographic area’s] local yarn shops for extreme fiber enthusiasts.” -Urban Dictionary

The Western North Carolina Yarn Crawl gives you and your friends a chance to create a self guided tour, stopping by as many (or all!) Local Yarn Stores during this event for a chance to win prizes, shop great deals and specials! The WNC Yarn Crawl is held every year during the week leading up to Mother’s Day.


At each LYS you have a chance to enter into a drawing for awesome fiber related prizes! Anyone can enter, even at multiple stores. Prizes are provided by the stores themselves, as well as vendors the stores have worked with who donate to support the fiber love!

There is no charge to participate in the Yarn Crawl but please find ways to support these amazing yarn stores!

Connect with us on Facebook and Instagram! @wncyarncrawl


Click here for the 2025 WNC Yarn Crawl save the date!
